Our Vision
Our Vision
Our vision is to reduce the devastating impact of stillbirth for women, families and the wider community through improving care to reduce the number of stillborn babies and to reduce the impact of this loss.
People + Partners
People + Partners
Meet the network of people, organisations, and professional institutions driving research and program implementation across the Stillbirth CRE.
Our work
Our Work
Explore some of the latest Stillbirth CRE research projects, scientific studies, and educational campaigns on stillbirth prevention and care after stillbirth.
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There's so many ways to contribute to stillbirth research. Sign up to our newsletter to stay in touch with the latest news, join our community, make a donation, or participate in research. Find out all the ways to Get Involved.
Safer Baby in pregnancy
Care after loss
Seeking Support
Research and news

Our aim is to improve care to reduce the number of stillborn babies and to reduce the impact of this loss.
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The Stillbirth CRE and its employees and collaborators have made reasonable efforts to ensure the content provided is up to date and accurate. However,  it does not guarantee and accepts no liability or responsibility for the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information contained in this guide. To the extent permitted by law the Stillbirth CRE and its employees and collaborators exclude all liability (including negligence) for any injury, loss or damage caused or arising out of any reliance on the content on this website.

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