Research | Search for research projects | Endometrial Origins of Stillbirth (EOS) Study

Endometrial Origins of Stillbirth (EOS) Study

Project Status In Progress
Organisation Lead Hudson Institute of Medical Research
Lead Investigators Miranda Davies-Tuck
Program Area New Approaches To Prevention
Topic Novel Approaches To Detect The Fetus At Risk In Pregnancy
Contact Miranda Davies-Tuck at

This project aims to better understan the endometrium (lining of the uterus) in women who have experienced a pregnancy loss (either as a late miscarriage or preterm stillbirth) or other adverse pregnancy outcomes (placental insufficiency or preterm birth). We will compare endometrial profiles of these women to   women who have had a term, live birth. This will be achieved by collecting menstrual fluid from these women to see if we can identify differences between those who have experienced adverse pregnancy events to those who have not. Women will be asked to collect a menstrual fluid sample on day 2 of menstruation for up to 5 menstrual cycles with a menstrual cup and to complete a menstrual questionnaire.

The protocol for this study has been published in BMJ Open (read here: Endometrial Origins of Stillbirth (EOS), a case–control study of menstrual fluid to understand and prevent preterm stillbirth and associated adverse pregnancy outcomes: study protocol | BMJ Open)

You may be eligible to participate if you:

  • Live in Victoria
  • Aged 18-40
  • Have a menstrual period
  • Have been pregnant in the past 3 years
  • And is NOT on hormonal contraceptives

We are particularly interested in participants who have experienced the following:

  • Preterm birth or stillbirth (20-37 weeks)
  • Second-trimester miscarriage (12-20 weeks)
  • Placental insufficiency (preeclampsia or fetal growth restriction)
  • Term, live birth (37+ weeks)

To register your interest to participate, please complete the form here Endometrial Origins of Stillbirth (EOS) Study – Hudson Institute of Medical Research

Funding: NHMRC Ideas Grant APP2028388

Western Pacific Regional Office of the International Stillbirth Alliance
Coordinating Centre, Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Alliance, Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand

Level 3, Aubigny Place
Mater Research Institute
Raymond Terrace,
South Brisbane QLD 4101
The University of Queensland Faculty of Medicine

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