Research | Search for research projects | Relationship between maternal asthma and adverse pregnancy outcomes

Relationship between maternal asthma and adverse pregnancy outcomes

Project Status In Progress
Organisation Lead Mater Research
Lead Investigators Vicki Clifton
Program Area Data To Drive Change
Topic Understanding Stillbirth
Contact Vicki Flenady at

The primary objective of this project is to determine the pregnancy outcome and stillbirth among asthmatic pregnant women in Australia.

A systematic review is ongoing and expected to assess the relationship between pregnancy asthma and outcomes. This review will use to inform the methods and approach to developing our final model. The final model will be developed using a large retrospective cohort study examining pregnancy outcomes among asthmatic women in Australia.

Western Pacific Regional Office of the International Stillbirth Alliance
Coordinating Centre, Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Alliance, Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand

Level 3, Aubigny Place
Mater Research Institute
Raymond Terrace,
South Brisbane QLD 4101
The University of Queensland Faculty of Medicine

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