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Our aim is to improve care to reduce the number of stillborn babies and to reduce the impact of this loss.
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Project Engage Study

Project Status Complete
Funding Organisation Stillbirth Foundation
Organisation Lead Stillbirth CRE
Lead Investigator Christine Andrews
Program Area Implementing Prevention Strategies
Topic Co-designing Research With Bereaved Parents
Contact Christine Andrews at christine.andrews@mater.uq.edu.au

Co-designing a guide to support bereaved parents to become involved in stillbirth research.

Project Engage connects bereaved families with the research process. Involving those who have been affected by stillbirth in the research process in a meaningful way ensures that the issues important to bereaved families are heard and prioritised. This ultimately helps the Stillbirth CRE to produce research of greater quality and relevance, to help reduce stillbirth rates, and ensure that parents and families receive the best possible care when a baby dies.

The guide is now complete and covers all aspects of how to be involved in research about stillbirth and what to expect when participating in the research process. We have also included quotes from bereaved parent researchers who have shared some things they found helpful, as well as examples that could be useful.

Access and download this free resource below via our get involved page.