Stillbirth rates in some migrant and refugee communities are higher than other communities in Australia. To help reduce the chance of stillbirth in migrant and refugee women from those communities, the resources from the National Safer Baby Bundle Program have been co-designed with community groups and health educators to produce culturally sensitive information for Arabic, Dari, Dinka and Karen speaking communities. Each of the four community groups have three in-language resources with tailored information and illustrations that provide culturally appropriate safer pregnancy information.
Growing a healthy baby
A network of community groups and healthcare educators from the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute worked with the Stillbirth CRE to develop and translate these in-language resources. The animation video, digital audio booklet and a detailed PDF booklet enable women and their families to either watch, listen to or read and these resources are available on the Growing a Health Baby website at
Partnering with families of refugee & migrant backgrounds
This course builds upon the established Safer Baby Bundle learning course to provide additional support to health professionals working with women and families of refugee and migrant backgrounds during pregnancy. Modules include practical guidance on how families would like to have conversations about stillbirth prevention, skills for working well with interpreters, and opportunities to strengthen culturally safe and trauma responsive approaches to pregnancy care. The course includes a total of 5 self-paced learning modules, each taking approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Available at
Level 3, Aubigny Place
Mater Research Institute
Raymond Terrace,
South Brisbane QLD 4101
The University of Queensland Faculty of Medicine