Kylie is first and foremost a mother to her beautiful children. Her first child, Alexander Hamish was still born at 35 weeks due to an unexplained placental abruption. Kylie has recently started to seek ways to become more involved in advocating for further research into the reasons for stillbirth (with a special interest in those that are unexplained) and equality in support for families that are living through the pain of perinatal loss. She hopes she can draw on her professional experience in public policy to make a difference. She also hopes that by being another person willing to share her story there will be more acknowledgement and openness to discuss the perinatal loss in society. It’s her way of honouring the little life of Alex that was taken too soon.
Level 3, Aubigny Place
Mater Research Institute
Raymond Terrace,
South Brisbane QLD 4101
The University of Queensland Faculty of Medicine