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Associate Professor Hannah Blencowe

Lecturer, Paediatrician, Epidemiologist, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom

Hannah is a clinician and perinatal epidemiologist with over twenty years of experience in global health. Her research is focused on maternal, perinatal and child health. Hannah’s specific skills are regarding improving national and global measurement and estimation of perinatal outcomes. She was a leading author on Lancet papers regarding national and global rates of preterm birth (2012), stillbirths (2011 and 2016) and low birthweight (2019). She has played a central role in the Lancet Every Newborn series, Every Newborn Action Plan (2014), Lancet Ending Preventable Stillbirths series (2016) and Lancet Small Vulnerable Newborn series (2023). She has also coordinated novel estimates on congenital disorders and disability after neonatal complications. In addition to improving data, she works on how data can be used in policy and programmes towards ending preventable deaths, including stillbirths. She contributes to ongoing UN-led work to improve perinatal data through providing country technical support and supporting further research as part of the UN-IGME Core Stillbirth Estimation Group and the Vulnerable Newborns working group. She is co-chair of ISA’s Global Stillbirth Advocacy Working Group.

Western Pacific Regional Office of the International Stillbirth Alliance
Coordinating Centre, Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Alliance, Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand

Level 3, Aubigny Place
Mater Research Institute
Raymond Terrace,
South Brisbane QLD 4101
The University of Queensland Faculty of Medicine

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