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2024 edition of the Care Around Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Clinical Practice

Project Status Complete
Organisation Lead Stillbirth CRE
Lead Investigators Vicki Flenady
Program Area Implementing Best Practice In Care After Stillbirth And In Subsequent Pregnancies
Topic Implementing Optimal Parent-centred Care Following Perinatal Death
Contact Siobhan Loughnan at

The overarching objective of the Stillbirth CRE & PSANZ Clinical Practice Guideline for Care Around Stillbirth and Neonatal Death is to ensure best practice across Australia and New Zealand  around the time of a perinatal death to improve maternity and newborn care for bereaved parents and families and to improve the quality of data on causes of stillbirth and neonatal deaths through appropriate investigation, audit and classification. With effective implementation of this guideline the anticipated benefits are:

  • Effective monitoring to reducing perinatal deaths; 
  • Increased understanding of causes to further reduce perinatal deaths; and 
  • Better care and outcomes in future pregnancies.
  • Improved psychosocial outcome for parents and families 

The first edition of the guideline was released in 2008 and has been updated four times. As in previous editions, this edition incorporates the latest evidence for perinatal loss care, investigations to understand why a baby died, and audit and classification processes to inform prevention and improve future care for bereaved families.

In this edition, a greater focus has been placed on culturally responsive and safe care practices and the role of organisations in enabling the provision of best practice care. We also incorporate two new sections focused on perinatal palliative care and care in subsequent pregnancies.

Available here:

Western Pacific Regional Office of the International Stillbirth Alliance
Coordinating Centre, Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Alliance, Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand

Level 3, Aubigny Place
Mater Research Institute
Raymond Terrace,
South Brisbane QLD 4101
The University of Queensland Faculty of Medicine

Copyright © Stillbirth CRE